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$15 / Class
$120 for 10 classes
Insurance receipts available for private sessions 


Therapeutic Yoga Group
for symptoms of trauma, stress, anxiety
and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Thursday evenings, 6:30-8pm
April 12 - May 31, 2018

Mira Rozenberg, MA, RDT/BCT, OPQ, is a trauma-focused psychotherapist, a registered drama therapist/board
certified trainer, certified yoga instructor, and advanced Thai yoga massage practitioner. She believes that
balance between body and mind is essential in healing. Her thoughtful, respectful and sensitive approach to
therapeutic work provides the steady foundation for her clients to open to their highest potentials.
Studio BHAKTI भक
2000 Avenue Northcliffe Suite 217, Montréal, QC H4A 1Z4 (Private entrance on Northcliffe 30 feet north of main entrance to building)
514-585- 3533
$195 for the 8-week series. Receipts available.
Call or Text (514) 265-6178 or email mira.rozenberg@gmail.com for more info.

This eight week series will be an opportunity to heal the body from symptoms related to trauma,
stress, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Stress, trauma, or threats to one's physical
or emotional integrity, activate the nervous system so we can react appropriately to survive the threat.
However, even after the threat has passed, often people are left with memories in the mind and body.
The impact of trauma may result in physical pain or illness, difficulty with concentration or focus,
dissociation or numbing, hyper-arousal, difficulty sleeping or eating, addictions, difficulties in
interpersonal relationships, and mood disruptions.
Yoga is an effective tool to actively reconnect to the body, tune in to the mind, and transform disruptive
patterns. Yoga is the practice of uniting, or joining together all the parts of ourselves so we feel whole,
which allows us to be present and connected to the bigger world.
This therapeutic program will integrate gentle yoga postures, breath work, meditation, open
conversation and psycho-education about the effects of trauma and stress on the body. No prior yoga
experience necessary.

Grand détox ayurvédique printanier

Vitality - Radiance - Immunity

The Great Ayurvedic Spring Detox is gentle and safe. It
is adapted to your own needs.

Fresh vegetarian detox juices and meals, yoga,
meditation, Ayurvedic personnal care, this detox has
been designed to invigorate your body and promote
mental clarity and calm.

Everything has been planned for your
comfort and you will not starve.

Presented by Jessica Charron, Naturopath
certified in Ayurveda & Yoga Instructor. In
collaboration with Le Kitchen and Bakti Yoga.

10 days from April 14th - 24th - all included - vegetarian
$345 ($295 each if you bring a friend)*
- Introduction Session of 2 hours and complete detox plan
- 2 restorative Yoga classes
- Guided audio meditation to do at home
- Detox meals and juices for 5 days
- Detox self-care kit including ayurvedic massage oil and herbs
- Closing session and post detox follow-up
- *Naturopathy Insurance Receipts - Vegan option available -
info: www.ayurvedagriffintown.com

inscriptions en cours: Saint-Lambert & Griffintown

10 jours - mets et jus détox végétariens - yoga - méditation

Notre corps est un système extraordinaire qui a la capacité de s'auto réguler.  Chaque cellule du corps humain travaille sans relâche, jour et nuit, pour équilibrer, nettoyer, regénérer et guérir.  La détoxification est un processus naturell du corps humain qui neutralise les toxines à travers le colon, le foie, les reins, les poumons, le système lymphatique et la peau. 

Cependant, nous vivons dans une ère beaucoup plus ''toxique'' qu'il y a 100 ans.  Les toxines sont partout: dans la nourriture, dans l'eau, dans l'environnement, dans les relations interpersonnelles et au travail.  Le stress est une toxine très puissante qui nous affectent tous à différents degrés.  Il y a aussi l'hyper stimulation sensorielle reliée à la technologie.  C'est pourquoi il devient de plus en plus difficile pour notre corps de s'auto-nettoyer facilement des substances indésirées.  Nous sommes surchargés. Le détox ayurvédique est très doux et adapté à votre constitution et à vos besoins propres.

Tout inclus: aucun soucis, pas besoin de cuisiner!

345$ (dépôt de 50$ exigé à l'inscription)
295$ par personne si vous êtes 2 personnes à vous inscrire

Séance d’information de 2 heures et plan détox 
2 classes de yoga restauratif
Méditations guidées audio à faire à la maison
Les repas et jus détox pour 5 jours
Kit de soins détox ayurvédique d'une valeur de 80$
Séance de clôture et suivi post détox


Tous les détails sur www.ayurvedaetyoga.com

Du 14 au 24 avril, en collaboration avec

April 29, International Dance Day, also known as World Dance Day, was introduced in 1982 by the International Dance Committee of the UNESCO International Theatre Institute. 

The annually observed World Dance Day brings the focus of the importance of dance among the general public. 

MINDSTRONG, Bollywood Blast and Bhakti Studio are joining hands in celebration on the Benefits of Dance for Mental Health.

We invite everyone to come on over for an afternoon of 
Indian Dance - Yoga Fun
Breathe! Bollywood! Bhangra!

Light Refreshments will be served.
Feel free to bring something to share potluck style...

This event is DONATION based. All proceeds will go to 4th Annual CIBC Mindstrong 2018 Event by Jewish General Hospital at Midtown Santuaire on May 6.
which aims to create awareness amongst the public.

Suggested contribution pp 
Adults $25+
Students and Seniors: $20+

Please RSVP!

International dance day for mental health Bollywood dance yoga

Sunday, April 29 
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

2000 Avenue Northcliffe Suite 217, Montréal, QC H4A 1Z4
(Private entrance on Northcliffe 30 feet north of main entrance to building)